Neza Afriana

Opinion: Poverty is increasingly rampant
January 5, 2014 16:36 Updated: January 5, 2014 16:36 5027 1 1

POVERTY is a phenomenon that is always sought to be minimized, even if possible eliminated. But in reality poverty is still inherent in the joints of human life. So that it requires a comprehensive, integral and sustainable countermeasure effort.

Various concepts about poverty. Starting from just the inability to meet basic consumption needs and improve conditions. Lack of business opportunities, to broader understanding that includes social and moral aspects. For example, there is an opinion that says that poverty is related to attitude, culture of life, and environment in a society. Or some say that poverty is a helplessness of a group of people towards the system implemented by the government.

So that they are in a position that is very weak and exploited (structural poverty). But in general, when people talk about poverty, what is meant is material poverty. With this understanding, a person falls into the category of poor if he is unable to meet the minimum standards of basic needs. To be able to live properly. This is often referred to as consumption poverty.

Poverty, backwardness and ignorance like 3 currencies. Because poverty, underdevelopment and ignorance are born together, because all three are social problems that exist like a vicious circle (interrelated). Thus resulting in increasingly severe economic and social conditions and concerns.

Poverty cannot be separated from ignorance and backwardness. Likewise ignorance is very closely related to poverty and underdevelopment in economics and prosperity. Although in reality there are poor family children with brilliant brains. Lags to seize opportunities in various fields of life, other than due to ignorance and poverty, also due to discrimination due to low social and economic status.

To combat poverty certainly has to work hard. Combating ignorance must certainly be active in learning, but the cost of education is increasingly difficult for most people to reach. Fighting backwardness will become even more difficult, if ignorance collides with poverty, which will result in immoral acts and crime.

Our society has been infiltrated by the disease "greed, greed, pride, malice, laziness and ignorance". The problem is, who wants to claim to have such negative personal qualities, then sincerely fight them while the temptation of material increases?

In short, poverty is a very complex and chronic problem. Then the way to reduce poverty also requires proper analysis. Involve all components of the problem, and it requires appropriate, sustainable and not temporary management strategies. It is difficult to determine a number of variables can be used to track the problem of poverty. Because the variables that will be produced can be to determine a series of strategies and policies.

In particular, poverty reduction is right on target and sustainable. From the education dimension, for example, low education is seen as a cause of poverty. From the health dimension, the low quality of public health causes poverty. From an economic dimension, ownership of limited productive tools, mastery of technology and lack of skills are seen as the basic reasons for poverty. Cultural and structural factors are also often seen as important elements, which determine the level of prosperity and prosperity of the community. There is nothing wrong and wrong with this approach. But integration is needed between various factors that cause poverty. Among other factors that cause very much, with clear indicators. So that poverty reduction policies are not temporary, but are permanent and sustainable.

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